NANOCRYSTALLINE SOFT MAGNETIC MATERIALSEnabled by NiobiumLead the evolution in electrification.
Learn from real case studies how to reduce the volume of CMC cores for applications in on-board chargers and charging stations.CHECK OUT THE RESULTS
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The power of nanocrystalline soft magnetic materialsThe adoption of soft magnetic nanocrystalline materials enabled innolectric AG to successfully reduce the size and weight of common mode choke (CMC) to be used in on-board chargers.
Results include:Niobium is at the core of the evolution that powers the worldCBMM | Niobium is the global leader in the production and commercialization of Niobium products, a key material for the fabrication of magnetic nanocrystalline ribbon that is enabling the electrification of mobility.DOWNLOAD THE INNOLECTRIC CASE STUDY