The present paper reviews the changes over the past two decades related to niobium deposits and supply, together with the technical advances that have occurred in niobium metallurgy. Also, the significant increase in market applications of niobium-containing steels especially in the field of microalloyed steel and including stainless steel, niobium metal and alloys, superalloys, chemical compounds, and specialty applications of niobium are highlighted. Almost every year since the 1981-82 recession, an increase in the consumption of niobium in steel products, the major market for niobium, has been recorded. The prominent end-users include automobiles, light trucks, oil and gas pipelines, constructional plate and structural shapes. Traditional superalloys such as Alloy 718, modified using higher niobium levels, have been developed for higher temperature applications in jet engines and stationary gas turbines. Other products discussed include niobium-containing intermetallics, thin films, high temperature niobium alloys, capacitors and catalysts. (AU)
Technical Paper (PDF 438.00 KB)
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Mobility / Structural
Technical Paper
Progress in niobium markets and technology 1981-2001
International Symposium Niobium 2001
Tither, Geoffrey
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