Technical Paper

Simulations of temperatures, residual stresses, and porosity measurements in spray formed super alloys tubes

International Symposium on Superalloy 718 and Derivatives

Spray Forming is a technology to produce near net shape components and preforms. A simulation tool for the temperature distribution which incorporates all necessary sub steps (metal deposition on the substrate, heat transfer across the surface by convection and radiation) is developed to calculate residual stresses during the different process steps. The resulting temperature distribution was used to calculate the stresses during all process stages. Thermal histories of temperatures at certain positions will be shown. The dependency of the residual stress on the thermal history of the material was examined. Mainly at the interface substrate/deposit, a region with elevated porosity was observed. Porosity measurements will be presented. (AU) © 2010 by The Materials, Metals, & Materials Society. All rights reserved.
Technical Paper (PDF 3.30 MB)